Frederick Douglass:
Sir, I have been frequently denounced because I have dared to speak against the American nation, against the Church—the Northern churches especially, charging them with being the slaveholders of the country. I desire to say here, as elsewhere, that I am not at all ambitious of the ill opinions of my countrymen, nor do I desire their hatred; but I must say, as I have said, that I want no man’s friendship, no matter how high he may stand in Church or State, I want no man’s sympathies or approbation who is not ready to strike the chains from the limbs of my brethren. . .- Frederick points out how he doesn't care about those people who owns slaves, regardless of their status. He doesn't want the sympathy from any men who isn't ready to stand against slavery.
- This quote correlates to the lecture by illustrating that the people in lecture fight for a greater cause which is civil rights. I picked this quote for one because I have always been a fan of Frederick Douglass, and always like what he stood for. In this quote especially he stood up for his position of ending slavery despite what others thought and felt.
And had your honor submitted my case to the jury, as was clearly your duty, even when I should have had just cause of protest, for not one of those men was my peer; but, native or foreign, white or black, rich or poor, educated or ignorant, awake or asleep, sober or drunk, each and every man of them was my political superior; hence, in no sense, my peer."
- What Susan is expressing is how unfair she is being treated by being prosecuted in front of a group of people who are not her peers. Susan is a WOMAN being charged for breaking the law for voting in front of men who started out with this unalienable right to rights she wish she had. How could she have a fair and just trial when she's loosing before she even begins to fight? Her jury peers would have a group of both men and woman. If some woman were in the jury selection that would cut the level of bias down.
- I understand and agree with Susan's concern that is why I chose this quote. I can relate her concern to what goes on to this day. Jury selection now a days is so hard because everyone wants a fair trial and by having a jury who are open minded and non biased towards the case. I not too long had to do jury duty and the defendant was very worried about who who have his/her fate in their hands.
One of the hallmark of american justice system is the opportunity to defend oneself in front of the jury of ones peers. Susan was right to demand a fair trial with jury that represented and understood the context without bias. We saw that during the Zimmerman case. One of the jury interviewed after the case had clear prejudice and had difficulty getting over the fact that Martin even though 17 could be dangerous.