Monday, December 9, 2013

Due 12.10.13
Wilson: "Who in this great audience knows his employer? I mean among those who go down into the mines or go into the mills and factories...Therefore, whenever bodies of men employ bodies of men, it ceases to be a private relationship" (p.440).
  1. Wilson is talking about the workforce not being private anymore, due to the fact that so many are being employed and employees don't get to know their employers directly. With such a large number of employees the enterprise is public, the government can exercise its power in businesses.
  2. I chose this quote because this is still going on today. Wilson lived many years ago and his progressive ideology come to past in this day and age.
The Great Depression:
"The failure of so many banks, combined with a general and nationwide loss of confidence in the economy, led to much-reduced levels of spending and demand and hence of production, thus aggravating the downward spiral."
  1. Banks crashed leading to people loosing all their money and assets. It really took a toll on the economy in general. People wern't able to get a job and couldn't really provide for themselves and or their families.
  2. I chose this quote because it helps to illustrate the effects of that time period. I learned about the great depression in school before but I never fully paid attention to it. This was such a hard time for people, not being able to work and provide for their families, having to sell whatever they can. Its just horrible! 
I chose this picture because it conveys the message of heartache and pain of a citizen during this time. It shows how this person and how many people felt; being down on their luck not being able to survive they wanted to. It relates to today.This economy now is not doing great, and many people look and feel the way this person in the picture looks. Many people are unemployed and not sure about tomorrow. 
grambs1935.jpg (43477 bytes)